Progressive Era Test Bank

  1. 3. This banned the manufacturing, sale, and distribution of alcohol in the U.S.
  2. 8. This gave women the right to vote
  3. 9. This word means to cancel, or take back, a law.
  4. 11. The first state to grant women the right to vote.
  5. 13. Last name of the person who won the 1912 election
  6. 14. The Progressive Party was nicknamed the ___________ party.
  7. 16. He founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909
  8. 17. This Act made it against the law to make, sell, or transport mislabeled or contaminated food and drugs.
  9. 18. This president wanted to raise tariffs (taxes) on goods coming into the country, which angered Roosevelt.
  1. 1. This law allows the federal government to collect federal income taxes out of the paychecks of U.S. citizens.
  2. 2. First school founded for female students
  3. 4. U.S. President who created many national parks and bird sanctuaries
  4. 5. this Act finally strengthened federal laws against monopolies
  5. 6. Name of the person who spoke out against lynching in the south by writing articles in her own Memphis newspaper Free Speech.
  6. 7. This group of immigrants were often overlooked when progressive efforts were made to make life better for minorities
  7. 10. She founded the National Women's Party (NWP).
  8. 12. The protection of nature and its resources.
  9. 15. The National American Woman Suffrage Association(NAWSA) was founded to support the cause of women's ________.