Progressive Era Vocabulary

  1. 5. movement to persuade others to not use alcohol/liquor
  2. 11. focused on shirtwaists and blouses and became one of the deadliest industrial disasters in the U.S. because of a fire
  3. 12. Company that dominates all others
  4. 13. a group of workers trying to improve pay/treatment
  5. 14. to improve something politically/socially related
  6. 15. forcing children to work in industries
  1. 1. The growth of industries
  2. 2. the right to vote in elections
  3. 3. group of unions seeking overall easier and well payed jobs
  4. 4. lets upper classes help poor in area
  5. 6. ended women's suffrage
  6. 7. prohibit make/sell/transporting liquor
  7. 8. payment daily/weekly paid by an employer
  8. 9. group of employees refusing to work to gain something from their employer
  9. 10. about women's suffrage/corruption