Progressives/Imperialism/World War I Vocabulary

  1. 1. the idea to solve everything with the United States Military to expand and the belief that a strong military is needed.
  2. 3. connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
  3. 6. A person that tries to expose corruption especially in politics.
  4. 10. allowed voters to directly elect a senator.
  5. 11. Gave women the right to vote.
  6. 13. Allowed the congress to enforce a tax on any source of income.
  7. 15. Strong belief of cultural or Economic influences in the United States.
  8. 16. Important event that led to WW1 where a German submarine shot torpedoes at an American cruise ship.
  9. 18. Minimized the use of the United States Military and instead solve it with economic power.
  1. 2. Worldwide organization whose purpose was to maintain world peace.
  2. 4. Incorporating something into a larger area such as Texas annexing into the United States.
  3. 5. War fought between Spain and the United States in 1898.
  4. 7. Banned the manufacture and distribution of Alcohol.
  5. 8. An American party that split from the Republican Party.
  6. 9. Protected the rights of all countries to trade equally with China.
  7. 12. Book that was written to expose the harsh conditions of the meatpacking industry.
  8. 14. secret telegram stating if America was to join the war Mexico would be asked to join as a German ally.
  9. 17. the influence of the United States on other Countries.