
  1. 4. helped make child protection act
  2. 8. the right to vote
  3. 10. author of THE JUNGLE
  4. 13. save national parks
  5. 15. hours in a work day
  6. 17. she wrote about the Standard Oil CO.
  7. 18. third party brought in to settle a dispute
  8. 19. show at the circus
  9. 21. one of the first to give the right to vote (think potato)
  10. 23. womens christian temperance union
  11. 25. a vote on an initiative
  12. 28. 42 when he became president
  13. 29. young mens christian association
  14. 30. _______ anti trust law
  1. 1. amendment provides for popular senators
  2. 2. controlling the market due to owing most of the same business
  3. 3. name of a stuffed animal
  4. 5. author of SHAME OF THE CITIES
  5. 6. same plot, play, interact with audience
  6. 7. another one of the first to give the right to vote
  7. 9. leader of suffrage movement
  8. 11. a proposal for a law coming from the people
  9. 12. assassinated as president
  10. 14. someone who broke up monopolies
  11. 16. sport becoming popular in small towns
  12. 20. first state to give the right to vote
  13. 22. army religious association
  14. 24. someone who exposes the evil in society in hopes it will change
  15. 26. national association for the advancement of colored people
  16. 27. kicking out an elected official before their term expires