Prom 2017

  1. 1. Abbie's favorite pharmacist
  2. 6. what is Meghan's fantasy dream home?
  3. 8. Nicole's weapon of choice in a duel
  4. 11. Abbie's favorite television show
  5. 12. Meghan's favorite volleyball player
  6. 13. what Nikki's dream house looks like
  7. 17. the kind of dog Abbie wants
  8. 19. the board game Meghan wants to act out in real-life
  9. 20. Nikki's favorite smash bro character
  10. 24. Meghan's favorite prince
  11. 25. (Nicole/tommy)
  12. 26. Abbie's least favorite game
  13. 28. Abbie's favorite state
  14. 30. Abbie's favorite temple
  15. 31. Nicole's favorite flower
  1. 2. where Meghan's real-life dream home is located
  2. 3. Nikki's favorite Disney movie
  3. 4. Nikki's soup of choice from café zupas
  4. 5. where Meghan's mummi is from
  5. 7. What Meghan would rename her street she lives on
  6. 9. What person would Meghan cross the country with
  7. 10. The movie watched where hands were first held (abbie/gabe)
  8. 14. what superpower would Meghan want
  9. 15. Abbie's favorite word
  10. 16. age Meghan wants to get married
  11. 18. Abbie's all time favorite musical
  12. 21. Nikki's favorite sport
  13. 22. (Meghan/Jacob)
  14. 23. Abbie's favorite ice cream flavor
  15. 27. what movie did you see with nikki
  16. 29. Nikki's favorite movie quote