Promoting Physical Well-being in the New Cyber landscape

  1. 3. should be maximized while working from home.
  2. 4. is hindered by environmental disturbances so it is best to create a relaxing routine before bedtime.
  3. 5. should be routinized and maintained even if you’re staying at home.
  4. 10. It is an art and science of healthy living which is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.
  5. 12. The act of releasing tension from the muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons is called_______.
  6. 13. is essential in order to balance work and leisure activities.
  7. 14. applications use the internet to transmit and store patient data.
  8. 16. Learning new ________ can be helpful to take your mind off immediate problems.
  9. 17. Strengthen your _________ by joining virtual Sunday masses.
  1. 1. involves the use of technology to combine workouts and reality, thus promoting physical well-being virtually.
  2. 2. There are thousands of apps that focus on health and ________ promotion.
  3. 3. Smartphones and smartphone applications (apps) could be useful as mobile coaching systems that aim to increase levels of________ activity.
  4. 6. Boost your ________ by bonding with your pet.
  5. 7. Fitness technology that count and monitor the number of steps taken during ambulatory activities such as walking, jogging, and running.
  6. 8. Maintaining _______ for sleep, nutrition, and physical fitness are our body’s foundation for maintaining optimal functioning.
  7. 9. Download ________ that promote productivity as well as nutritional and meal planning.
  8. 11. The ______ technique can be used to manage your time into intervals to avoid burnouts in the new cyber landscape.
  9. 15. Reach out to a _______ if you are experiencing chronic stress as likely induced by the ‘new normal’ burnout.