Property Law ll Revision

  1. 8. a promise not to do something over land in a deed
  2. 10. land
  3. 11. current requirements for a building scheme
  4. 14. objective duty on mortgagee's execising power of sale
  5. 15. Leading case on leases and licences
  6. 16. the leading case on burdens running for covenants
  1. 1. a person who has the benefit of a covenant
  2. 2. the burden of an easement affects this land
  3. 3. a covenantee has this
  4. 4. draconian remedy of mortgagee on mortgagor default
  5. 5. proposals are to change freehold covenants into these
  6. 6. area for debate on lease licence distinction
  7. 7. traditionally required fro the operation of s62 LPA 1925
  8. 9. leading easements case
  9. 12. without permission
  10. 13. a method of obtaining an easement by implication