Prophesy Being Fulfilled, Parts 1 & 2

  1. 2. to destroy with fire; to set on fire
  2. 4. a small room or section in a barn or stable where cows or horses are kept
  3. 5. a person who entertains guests in their home; a living thing in or on which another living thing lives
  4. 8. a limb (part) of a tree that grows or comes from the main trunk
  5. 9. body parts of animals (like birds or insects) that the animals use to fly
  6. 11. obeying Allah's word
  7. 13. the time of the year when a farmer gathers or picks what he has planted; gathering or picking a crop that is ready
  8. 14. extremely scary, fearful, or frightening
  1. 1. to walk on
  2. 3. the bottom parts of the feet
  3. 4. the short sticks (stubs) of plants left in the ground after a crop has been picked
  4. 6. the black-grayish, crumbly material left after something is burned
  5. 7. a kitchen machine that heats in the inside for baking
  6. 10. to bring together in one place
  7. 11. part of the plant under the soil that takes up water and food
  8. 12. more than one baby cow