"Prophetic, Angelic Pregnancy Announcement" | Luke 1:26-33 Bible Study ✞-word Puzzle | 11.29.23

  1. 2. In the Temple in Jerusalem, the angel Gabriel appears to this priest, the father of John the Baptist, and announces that his wife, Elizabeth, will soon conceive – despite being advanced in age (Lk 1:5-17, 36). Because he does not respond faithfully, (Lk 1:18) he is punished (Lk 1:19-22).
  2. 4. Fulfilling previous prophecy (Lk 1:32; cf. 2 Sam 7:11b-16; Jer 23:5-6, 33:15-16; Eze 34:22-24, 37:24-25; Is 9:6, 7), Jesus will reign on the throne of His forefather, King ____.
  3. 5. ___ the Baptist, who’s name means “The LORD [YHWH] is gracious”, was conceived six months before the Lord Jesus (Lk 1:26, 36), and prepares His way (Lk 1:17).
  4. 8. This angel, who also appears to Daniel at the time of the evening sacrifice in the Old Testament (Dn 9:20f.; cf. Lk 1:10), announces the forthcoming births of John the Baptist and Jesus the Christ (Lk 1:5-17; 26-38).
  5. 9. Though likely a young teenage girl with little social status, she responds faithfully to Gabriel’s prophetic, angelic pregnancy announcement (Lk 1:26-38) – unlike Zechariah, an older male priest (Lk 1:5-7, 18-22).
  6. 10. This betrothed husband of Mary was a descendant of King David (Lk 1:27).
  7. 11. The Kingdom of Christ the King – the Son of Man (Dn 7:13-14; Mk 14:60-62) – will be ___. It will never end (Lk 1:33; Rev 11:15, etc.).
  8. 12. As in the case of Moses (Ex 3:10-21), Jeremiah (Jer 1:6-8), Gideon (Judg 6:12) and more, the angel Gabriel proclaims that the Lord is ___ Mary – indicating divine power, provision, and protection.
  9. 13. (Two words) Gabriel says that Jesus will be called the Son of the ___ ___ (cf. Ps 91:1; also see Lk 3:21-22, 9:35).
  1. 1. God ___ Mary (Lk 1:28, 30; cf. Gen 6:8; Judg 6:17, etc.). She is the recipient (not a dispenser) of God’s grace (unmerited favor).
  2. 3. A relative of Mary (Lk 1:36), this woman, who was the wife of Zechariah, gives birth to John the Baptist, even though she was advanced in age and previously unable to conceive (cf. Lk 1:7, 23-25, 36).
  3. 6. The angel tells Mary that her son is to be called ___ (Lk 1:31), which means “The LORD [YHWH] saves”. For He will save His people from their sins (Mt 1:21).
  4. 7. This despised small town in Galilee (Lk 1:26, Jn 1:45-46; cf. Jn 7:41) becomes the birthplace of the greatest King of the cosmos.
  5. 8. Gabriel gives Mary a _____ (Lk 1:28, 29); he does not say “Hail, Mary”!