Protecting Natural Resources

  1. 3. the practice of harvesting only the part of the plant needed for food and leaving the rest in the soil
  2. 10. the process of cleaning infection from a material
  3. 12. materials that occur in nature that can be used by people
  4. 13. a relationship in a system through which factors affect each other
  5. 14. describing material that decays through the action of bacteria or other living organisms
  6. 16. methods to measure the types and amounts of chemicals in water
  7. 18. all the living and nonliving things that interact in a given area
  8. 19. an artificial or natural substance that contaminates air, water, or soil
  9. 20. a set of steps needed to complete a successful project
  10. 21. water that has been used by people
  1. 1. the practice of changing the type of crop grown in a field each season
  2. 2. the practice of taking care of land, water, air, and living things
  3. 4. a place where waste is buried underground
  4. 5. any type of substance that is in air and make it unsafe to breath
  5. 6. to save or protect
  6. 7. an energy resource that does not release pollutants when it is used
  7. 8. the variety of species on Earth or in any one environment
  8. 9. a facility that cleans wastewater before it is discharged into the environment
  9. 11. land that contains chemicals that are harmful to the environment
  10. 15. land that is set aside and left without buildings
  11. 17. a type of air pollution that results from a mixture of gases from burning fuels, air, and sunlight that makes air look hazy
  12. 20. a measure of how clean the air is