Proverbs 1:1-7
- 1. 7. Those who are wise _______ the LORD but
- 5. 3. and _______ life.
- 6. 2. Solomon writes Proverbs to teach God's children _______
- 7. 5. gives discernment and _______.
- 9. 7. fools _______ wisdom and discipline
- 11. 3. Study Proverbs to acquire a _______
- 12. 5. Proverbs adds to one's _______ and
- 13. 2. to understand words of _______.
- 14. 1. The book of Proverbs is written by _______
- 2. 6. and the sayings and _______ of the wise.
- 3. 2. and _______, and
- 4. 4. Proverbs teaches prudence to the simple, and _______
- 5. 6. Proverbs helps one to understand proverbs and _______,
- 8. 3. Then one will know to do what is _______, just and fair.
- 10. 4. and _______ to the young.