PS 10.3-10.5 Review

  1. 3. this type of friction affects sliding objects already in motion
  2. 4. simple machines provide________main forms of assistance
  3. 6. the force of gravity is__________proportional to an the distance between two objects
  4. 7. ratio of work output to work input
  5. 11. under ideal conditions, the work put into a machine is ____to the work received from the machine
  6. 14. the scientist who formulated the law of gravitation
  7. 16. the machine modifies the input into its_____
  8. 19. examples of this simple machine are steering wheels, doorknobs, screwdrivers
  9. 21. this simple machine resembles an inclined plane wrapped around a rod; as it is turned, it applies force along its axis
  1. 1. the transfer of energy from one object to another by a force
  2. 2. the force of gravity is______proportional to an object’s mass
  3. 5. power is inversely related to _____
  4. 6. this simple machine is a sloping surface that allows an object to be raised without lifting it straight up
  5. 8. the resistance arising to an object’s motion through a fluid or across a surface
  6. 9. this is a special form of inclined plane that modifies the applied force and directs it to the side
  7. 10. devices for doing work
  8. 12. this type of friction affects stationary objects
  9. 13. SI unit for work
  10. 15. the rate of doing work; work per unit time
  11. 17. this simple machine consists of a wheel over which a rope or cable passes
  12. 18. the force applied to a machine
  13. 19. SI unit for power
  14. 20. simple machine that consists of a rigid bar or beam resting upon a pivot