PS 4.1.6 & 4.1.7

  1. 4. Both _____ and gases are considered fluids because their molecules move around more freely than solids.
  2. 7. This works in opposition to lift. If it is greater than lift, a plane will descend.
  3. 10. The upward force exerted on objects in a fluid.
  4. 11. The buoyant force acting on an object in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid that it displaces.
  5. 13. The force that pushes the aircraft up.
  6. 15. Both liquids and ________ are considered fluids because their molecules move around more freely than solids.
  7. 18. The third way to increase pressure is to _____ the fluid in a cylinder.
  8. 19. Compressing a solid changes the _______ of the solid.
  9. 21. When a liquid is _________ the effects are transmitted to all parts of the liquid.
  10. 23. The second way to increase pressure is to increase the _____ of the molecules.
  11. 24. According to Newton's third law of motion, the ____ of the wings forces air down, and the equal and opposite reaction force is exerted up on the wing.
  1. 1. A device that uses compressed gas to transfer pressure from one point to another.
  2. 2. The force that pushes an aircraft forward.
  3. 3. These use liquids to transfer pressure from one point to another.
  4. 5. The first way to increase pressure is to increase the density of the fluid in the cylinder by adding more of these.
  5. 6. The frictional force of air molecules exerted on a flying craft.
  6. 8. This device is used to lift dentist chairs, hospital operating tables, and cars at repair shops.
  7. 9. The pressure that fluids exert on their surroundings decrease as their speed increase.
  8. 12. This is defined as force per area.
  9. 14. The specific shape of aircraft wings.
  10. 16. Any additional pressure applied to a fluid is transferred in all directions throughout the fluid and even against the walls of the fluids container.
  11. 17. Any substances that takes the shape of its container.
  12. 20. The moveable parts of airplane wings that allow pilots to maneuver
  13. 22. The units used to measure pressure in the metric system.