PS Ch. 5 "The Periodic Table"

  1. 2. negatively charged ion (Cl⁻¹, O⁻², etc.)
  2. 4. Most reactive of all nonmetals; symbol is F.
  3. 7. Highly reactive, nonmetal, Group 17 elements of the periodic table that often gain 1 electron while forming -1 ions; Include F, Cl, Br, I, and At.
  4. 10. Elements on the periodic table that have been made in a laboratory and are not naturally occurring.
  5. 11. An element with metallic properties that Mendeleev predicted so he left a spot open for it on the periodic table.
  6. 13. When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a repetition of their physical and chemical properties.
  7. 17. Non-reactive like the noble gases.
  8. 19. An ion with a positive charge (Na⁺¹, Ca⁺², etc..
  9. 20. Metallic, group 2 elements of the periodic table that often lose 2 electrons while forming positive ions. Include Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Ra.
  10. 21. Sometimes called "metalloids," 6 elements that can conduct electricity under certain conditions and are the main components of chips in computers and other electronic devices. Silicon and germanium are two examples.
  11. 24. The elements within a single vertical column of the Periodic Table.
  12. 25. Less reactive metals found in groups 3-12 of the periodic table which can often form various + ions, and has a partially filled d orbitals and possibly f orbitals.
  13. 26. Elemental symbol is Cu.
  14. 27. Elements that are generally gases or dull,brittle solids that are poor conductors of heat and electricity, but good insulators.
  15. 29. Elemental symbol is Au.
  1. 1. Elemental symbol is C.
  2. 3. An atom that gains or loses electrons to become - or + charged.
  3. 5. Natural materials from which metals can be profitably extracted.
  4. 6. A material in which electrons are not able to move easily; electricity does not flow through it. Characteristic of nonmetals.
  5. 8. Metals in Group 1 of the periodic table that are highly reactive metals that often lose 1 electron while forming positive ions. Include Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Fr.
  6. 9. Group 18 elements, inert; 8 valence electrons.
  7. 12. different forms of the same element having different molecular structures; for example, diamonds and graphite are examples of Carbon.
  8. 14. A group of chemical elements on the periodic table shown in two rows below all the other elements. They include elements 57-71 (lanthanides) and 89-103 (actinides).
  9. 15. Elements 1 through 92 (except for elements 43 and 61) can all be found in the earth's crust, atmosphere, or oceans.
  10. 16. Elemental symbol is Ne.
  11. 18. Most reactive of all metals; symbol is Fr.
  12. 22. Elemental symbol is Hg.
  13. 23. Horizontal row in the periodic table.
  14. 28. The majority of elements in the periodic table that are often shiny, malleable, good conductors of electricity and heat, solid, difficult to melt, and forming positive ions by losing electrons.