Psalm 119 (Dani)

  1. 3. remember your word to your servant
  2. 4. Your decrees are wonderful therefore I obey them
  3. 7. I love Your instruction it is my meditation all day long
  4. 9. teach me the meaning of your status
  5. 12. Your hands made me and formed me give me understanding
  6. 14. Lord Your word is forever it is firmly fixed in heaven
  7. 15. How can a young man keep his way clear
  8. 17. You are righteous Lord and Your judgments are just
  9. 18. Consider my affliction
  1. 1. I have done what is just and right do not leave me to my oppressors
  2. 2. Deal generously with your servant so that I may live
  3. 5. Lord you have treated your servant well just as you promised
  4. 6. I call with all my heart answer the Lord
  5. 8. I long for Your salvation I put hope in your words
  6. 10. How happy are those whose ways are blameless
  7. 11. I hate those who are double- minded but love Your instruction
  8. 13. My life is down in the dust give me life through your word
  9. 16. the Lord is my portion I have promised to keep your word