Psalm 9

  1. 4. For you have _ in my favour
  2. 7. and rule the _ with fairness
  3. 8. Do not let mere _ defy you
  4. 10. _, O LORD
  5. 12. I will tell of all the _ things you have done
  6. 13. The wicked will go down to the _
  7. 14. The enemy is _, in endless ruins
  8. 17. This is the fate of all the nations who _ God
  9. 20. My _ retreated
  10. 22. executing judgment from his _
  11. 23. I will be filled with _ because of you
  12. 24. Their own feet have been caught in the _ they set
  13. 26. See how my enemies _ me
  14. 28. I will _ you, LORD, with all my heart
  1. 1. from your throne you have judged with _
  2. 2. _ me so I can praise you publicly at Jerusalem’s gates
  3. 3. He will judge the world with _
  4. 5. You have rebuked the nations and _ the wicked
  5. 6. the _ of the poor will not always be crushed
  6. 8. Let the nations know they are _ human
  7. 9. But the LORD reigns _
  8. 11. Sing praises to the LORD who _ in Jerusalem
  9. 15. Tell the world about his _ deeds
  10. 16. they staggered and _ when you appeared
  11. 18. I will _ praises to your name, O Most High
  12. 19. Make them _ in fear, O LORD
  13. 21. the cities you uprooted are now _
  14. 22. Those who know your name _ in you
  15. 25. The nations have fallen into the _ they dug for others
  16. 27. LORD, have _ on me
  17. 29. The LORD is a _ for the oppressed