Psalms 149: 1-7 (NIV) Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. praise in the assembly of His_people.(v.1)
  2. 5. ________ the Lord.(v.1)
  3. 8. His faithful people rejoice in this ___.(v.5)
  4. 10. He _______ the humble with victory.(v.4)
  5. 13. May the praise of ____ be in their mouths(v.6)
  6. 14. let the people of Zion be glad in their___.(v.2)
  7. 15. Let them praise His name with _____(v.3)
  1. 1. Let Israel rejoice in their _____;(v.2)
  2. 2. and ________ on the peoples,(v.7)
  3. 4. and make music to Him with timbrel and____.(v.3)
  4. 6. and a double edged _____ in their hands,(v.6)
  5. 7. and sing for ____ on their beds (v.5)
  6. 9. to inflict ________ on the nations (v.7)
  7. 11. ______ to the Lord a new song,(v.1)
  8. 12. For the ____ takes delight in his people;(v.4)