Pschology 101

  1. 7. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual commits to an identity without exploring alternatives.
  2. 12. A type of insecure attachment characterized by emotional distance and avoidance of the caregiver.
  3. 13. Lawrence Kohlberg's theory categorizes moral development into these stages, reflecting different levels of ethical reasoning.
  4. 14. Piaget's theory divides development into these stages, each marked by distinct cognitive abilities.
  5. 17. Piaget's concept involving mental structures (schemas) and the processes of fitting new information into existing schemas (assimilation) or modifying schemas to accommodate new information (accommodation).
  6. 18. A healthy and positive emotional bond formed between an infant and their caregiver.
  1. 1. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has successfully formed a clear and stable identity.
  2. 2. Sigmund Freud's theory of development, focusing on stages related to sexuality and pleasure.
  3. 3. An aspect of Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages, specifically addressing the formation of one's identity during adolescence.
  4. 4. stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from birth through age 2, a child learns about the world through senses and motor behavior.
  5. 5. Term associated with Harry Harlow's research on the importance of physical touch and comfort in emotional development
  6. 6. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are based on self-interest and avoiding punishment.
  7. 8. Social support/friendships dwindle in number, but remain as close, if not more close than in earlier years.
  8. 9. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual is actively exploring different identity options.
  9. 10. Final stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development; from age 11 and up, children are able to deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations
  10. 11. A stage in Erik Erikson's theory where an individual has not yet explored or committed to an identity.
  11. 15. The highest level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory, where individuals base moral judgments on personal principles and ethics.
  12. 16. A level of moral development in Kohlberg's theory where moral judgments are influenced by societal norms and expectations.