Psy 101 Exam #2 Crossword

  1. 2. The type of memories for shocking and/or emotion-provoking items.
  2. 4. The process of bringing to mind information that has already been stored into the memory
  3. 5. How many stages are in Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development?
  4. 6. The mental processes involved in acquiring, storing, retrieving, and using information.
  5. 7. The belief that the adolescent is, or will be, the focus of attention in social situations?(Hint: ________ Audience)
  6. 10. The type of memories that are subject to positive bias.
  7. 12. The type of test that measures what a person has learned up to a certain point in their life.
  8. 13. A rule of thumb that is derived from experience or also known as “short-cuts”.
  9. 16. In Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development, what is the preconventional level based on?
  10. 19. Short-term Memory is also known as what type of memory?
  11. 20. The type of amnesia from the loss of memory for experiences that occurred shortly before a loss of consciousness.
  12. 23. The inability to bring to mind information that was previously remembered.
  1. 1. The realization that objects continue to exist, even when they can no longer be perceived by the child.
  2. 3. A strategy that increases the capacity of Short-Term memory.
  3. 8. The type of decision-making process that is strongly influenced by emotion.
  4. 9. The number of stages in Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development?
  5. 11. A type of memory organizes and stores permanent or relatively permanent memories
  6. 14. The transforming of information into a form that can be stored into memory.
  7. 15. The psychologist who theorized the Theory of Psychosocial Development (Last name only).
  8. 17. The concept that a given quantity of matter remains the same despite being rearranged or changed in appearance.
  9. 18. When an adult adjusts the amount of guidance provided to match a child’s current ability?
  10. 21. The type of concepts that are clearly defined by a set of rules.
  11. 22. The psychologist who developed the sociocultural approach to human development (Last Name only).