Psy 360 Ch 14

  1. 1. sorting, classifiying, remembering, and processing information
  2. 5. general intelligence (g)
  3. 6. subtheory of how mental processes work together
  4. 7. ability to perceive relations among elements, peaks at age 18
  5. 9. Piaget's least criticized view of development
  6. 11. knowledge is subjective
  7. 14. abilitly to learn, think logically about abstract concepts, and adapt
  8. 15. cognition that takes place within a context
  9. 16. not concrete or tangible
  1. 2. number ability, mechanical skills, vocabulary, increases through adulthood
  2. 3. Sternberg's theory
  3. 4. use of paper and pencil tests or measurements to quantify skills
  4. 6. logic that systematically considers all possible combinations
  5. 8. critically analyzing own thoughts, opinions and beliefs
  6. 10. independent thought arises from many others' input
  7. 12. subtheory that addresses the role of novelty and experience in intelligence
  8. 13. subtheory describes ability to show intelligent behavior in real-life contexts