PSYC341 Written Assignment

  1. 1. basic unit of spoken language such as sounds a,k, and th
  2. 4. 3D shapes that make up other shapes
  3. 6. Deficits in episodic memory
  4. 7. processes without intention, consciousness, or effort
  5. 9. Mirror image of Prosopagnosia
  6. 10. the initial reception of information.
  7. 12. when near surfaces overlap far surfaces
  8. 14. Joined sensations, i.e. seeing sound, hearing shapes, tasting colors
  9. 16. when you can't tell faces apart after brain damage
  10. 21. Interfering earlier memories
  11. 22. understanding basic structures of cognition
  12. 23. Study of how we create words by combining morphemes. Morphemes are the basic unit of meaning.
  13. 24. concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events
  14. 25. Formant frequencies
  15. 26. Condition where you cannot create mental images in your mind.
  16. 28. the interpretation of sensation.
  1. 2. Area of psycholinguistics that examines the meaning of words and sentences
  2. 3. effect of people take a long time to name the ink color when that color is used in printing an incongruent word
  3. 5. Grammatical rules that govern how we organize word into sentences
  4. 8. Internal Representations
  5. 9. processes with conscious, required effort, and intention
  6. 11. talks about purpose/function of thoughts
  7. 13. Interfering later memories
  8. 15. only interested in observable behavior
  9. 17. simple well structured sequence of events in a specific order that are associated with a highly familiar activity
  10. 18. looking inward
  11. 19. when you repeat everything someone tells you on the phone
  12. 20. organized and generalized knowledge of our world/situation/event/person/etc.
  13. 27. recognition of the object.
  14. 28. reality is organized or reduced to the simplest form possible