PSYC341 Written Assignment
- 1. basic unit of spoken language such as sounds a,k, and th
- 4. 3D shapes that make up other shapes
- 6. Deficits in episodic memory
- 7. processes without intention, consciousness, or effort
- 9. Mirror image of Prosopagnosia
- 10. the initial reception of information.
- 12. when near surfaces overlap far surfaces
- 14. Joined sensations, i.e. seeing sound, hearing shapes, tasting colors
- 16. when you can't tell faces apart after brain damage
- 21. Interfering earlier memories
- 22. understanding basic structures of cognition
- 23. Study of how we create words by combining morphemes. Morphemes are the basic unit of meaning.
- 24. concentration of mental effort on sensory or mental events
- 25. Formant frequencies
- 26. Condition where you cannot create mental images in your mind.
- 28. the interpretation of sensation.
- 2. Area of psycholinguistics that examines the meaning of words and sentences
- 3. effect of people take a long time to name the ink color when that color is used in printing an incongruent word
- 5. Grammatical rules that govern how we organize word into sentences
- 8. Internal Representations
- 9. processes with conscious, required effort, and intention
- 11. talks about purpose/function of thoughts
- 13. Interfering later memories
- 15. only interested in observable behavior
- 17. simple well structured sequence of events in a specific order that are associated with a highly familiar activity
- 18. looking inward
- 19. when you repeat everything someone tells you on the phone
- 20. organized and generalized knowledge of our world/situation/event/person/etc.
- 27. recognition of the object.
- 28. reality is organized or reduced to the simplest form possible