PSYCB1101 Crossword - Topic 12

  1. 3. a member of a natural concept that possesses all or most of its characteristic features
  2. 5. tests designed to measure what a person has accomplished or learnt in a particular area
  3. 6. the scientific study and measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality and other psychological characteristics
  4. 9. eight semiindependent kinds of intelligence postulated by Howard Gardner
  5. 11. the basic power of reasoning and problem-solving
  6. 12. a concept that has no fixed set of defining features but has a set of characteristic features
  7. 13. a mental representation of a familiar sequence of activity
  8. 14. a mental shortcut in which judgements are based on information that is most easily brought to mind
  9. 16. the specific knowledge gained as a result of applying fluid intelligence
  10. 18. Robert Sternberg’s theory that describes intelligence as having analytic, creative and practical dimensions
  11. 20. the process of evaluating a conclusion, theory or course of action based on the evidence available to support it
  12. 21. the process of following a set of rigorous procedures for reaching valid conclusions
  13. 22. categories of objects, events or ideas that have common properties
  14. 23. The Stanford-Binet test is a examination meant to gauge intelligence through five factors of cognitive ability. These five factors include fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory.
  15. 24. a stage of language development during which children tend to use one word at a time
  16. 25. the first sounds infants make that resemble speech
  17. 26. tests designed to measure a person’s capacity to learn certain things or perform certain tasks
  18. 27. the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.
  1. 1. the first sounds infants make that resemble speech
  2. 2. a set of propositions that represent people’s understanding of how things look and work
  3. 3. a way of studying intelligence that emphasises analysis of the products of intelligence, especially scores on intelligence tests
  4. 4. a mental representation of the relationship between concepts
  5. 7. mental shortcuts
  6. 8. a mental shortcut that involves judging whether something belongs in a given class on the basis of its similarity to other members of that class
  7. 10. personal attributes that centre on skill at information processing, problem-solving and adapting to new or changing environments
  8. 15. mental representations (generalisations) of categories of objects, events and people
  9. 17. the process by which people generate and evaluate arguments and reach conclusions about them
  10. 19. a mental shortcut that involves basing judgements on existing information