
  1. 2. Mental age;IQ test
  2. 6. Dissociation theory (hypnosis)
  3. 7. Constructive memory studies
  4. 8. Multiple intelligence
  5. 10. Observational learning;bobo dolls
  6. 13. Learned helplessness
  7. 14. Humanist;created client-centered therapy;unconditional positive regard
  8. 15. Study on conformity
  9. 19. 3 stages of moral development
  10. 20. Operant conditioning
  11. 21. Neo Freudian;personal/collective unconscious
  12. 23. Founder of behaviorism
  13. 24. Triarchic theory;intelligence
  14. 26. Stanford Prison experiment
  15. 27. Disagreed with Freud;personality is continually changed rather than being decided early in life
  1. 1. 4 stage theory of cognitive development
  2. 2. Cognitive Triad
  3. 3. Cognitive-behavioral therapist;REBT
  4. 4. Obedience study;shock
  5. 5. Developmental psychologist;parenting styles
  6. 9. 8 stages of development
  7. 11. Labeling experiment
  8. 12. Criticized Kohlberg;gender-based developmental difference
  9. 16. Experiment on attachment with monkeys
  10. 17. Cognitive Dissonance theory
  11. 18. Classical conditioning
  12. 22. Hierarchy of needs;humanist
  13. 25. Language acquisition theory