Psychology and medical Terminology

  1. 3. A school of psychology that focuses on observable behavior and emphasizes the role of environment in shaping behavior.
  2. 7. The ability to adapt, cope, and recover from adversity or stress.
  3. 12. The process of growth, maturation, and change that occurs throughout the lifespan.
  4. 13. medical meaning of spir
  5. 14. having high energy, excitement over a sustained period of time
  6. 16. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease.
  7. 17. A physiological and psychological response to environmental demands or pressure.
  8. 21. protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen
  9. 22. Medical terminology for below
  10. 23. Eating disorder known as Binge eating
  11. 24. Medical terminology for remove
  1. 1. Medical terminology for swelling
  2. 2. Medical meaning for derm
  3. 4. Medical terminology for hardening
  4. 5. Medical meaning for sphygm
  5. 6. Medical meaning for pneumon
  6. 8. Medical meaning for gastro
  7. 9. Medical terminology for steth
  8. 10. Medical terminology for tooth
  9. 11. Eating disorder which a person have abnormally low body weight and intense fear of gaining weight- ANOREXIA
  10. 15. study of human behavior
  11. 18. Medical meaning for cost
  12. 19. medical meaning of oste
  13. 20. Medical meaning of brach
  14. 22. Medical terminology for Cardi