Psychology Baby Puzzle

  1. 2. Brain tissue and nerves usually _____ in the baby.
  2. 3. Shaken Baby Syndrome can result in ______.
  3. 6. Clincial depression affecting mostly women typical after childborn.
  4. 10. The ______ doesn't want to be close to the baby
  5. 11. A baby will cry if they are hungry, thirsty or a dirty _____.
  6. 12. Some mother's get thoughts of _____ their baby.
  7. 13. Shaken baby syndrome is a sign of ______.
  8. 15. By proxy-through a subsitute
  9. 17. If the mother is stressed during her ______ she will most likely get post-partum.
  10. 18. Leading cause of death for ______ infants under 1 year.
  1. 1. Women with post-partum suffer the ______ and shame of not wanting to be with their baby.
  2. 2. Post-partum occurs in five to ______ percent of women.
  3. 4. The caregiver is usually _____ when they hurt the baby.
  4. 5. Post-partum dates back to the _____ century B.C.
  5. 6. Women with unplanned ______ have a higher risk of getting post-partum.
  6. 7. Intense anger, loss of appetite, and being overwhelmed are _____.
  7. 8. Mother's suffering from munchausen syndrome always demand _____.
  8. 9. Parents will request all kinds of _____ tests.
  9. 14. Short form
  10. 16. Sometimes doctors will find _____ in the blood of a child.