Psychology People

  1. 3. Temperament
  2. 5. Hypnosis
  3. 8. Cognitive dissonance
  4. 11. Functional psychology
  5. 12. Moral development
  6. 13. Gender difference psychology
  7. 14. Language acquisition theory
  8. 15. Cognitive theory of depression
  9. 16. Split brain
  10. 18. Attachment
  11. 20. Learned helplessness
  12. 24. Intelligence test
  13. 25. Humanistic psychologist
  14. 26. REBT
  15. 27. Stanford prison experiment
  16. 28. Conformity
  1. 1. Emotions and facial expressions
  2. 2. Taste aversion
  3. 4. Multiple intelligences
  4. 6. Behaviorism
  5. 7. Scaffold
  6. 9. Triarchic theory of intelligence
  7. 10. Forgetting curve
  8. 17. Psychological insights to economic theories; judgment under uncertainty
  9. 19. Diagnostic label
  10. 21. Psychosocial development
  11. 22. Law of the perception of stimulus
  12. 23. Misinformation effect