Psychology Vocabulary

  1. 3. I heard someone mention my name across the room while having a conversation must have been ____
  2. 4. She was trying to understand the ____ or the meaning behind her dream
  3. 6. My brother kept snoring loudly last night, must've been ____
  4. 8. He could remember the ____ or the story line of his dream
  5. 9. I could see his eyes darting inside of his head. He must be in ____
  6. 12. His ____ made it so that he forgot his lunch at home even though he passed it before leaving
  7. 14. last night I had a great ____ that I went to Mexico with my boyfriend
  8. 16. my ____ allowed me to eat popcorn while I watch a movie
  9. 18. I hadn't even noticed it was spring I was sure it was snowing only yesterday
  10. 19. I kept waking up during REM sleep which caused major ____
  11. 20. humans are not nocturnal they have a different biological clock or ____
  12. 21. she must have ____ she ducked that incoming basketball without even looking
  1. 1. I know a guy that studies ____ which is the study of cognitive thinking
  2. 2. She must still be awake because the monitor is displaying ____
  3. 5. I saw this show where a woman kept collapsing and falling asleep. She must have ____
  4. 7. the monitor is displaying ____ he must be sleeping
  5. 10. I could hear my dad snoring, he must have been ready to ____ after a long day at work
  6. 11. have you seen the movie about that guy who can't sleep? It's called ____
  7. 13. My little cousin woke up last night screaming, but it was only ____
  8. 15. after so much lack of sleep she must be experiencing ____
  9. 17. your _____ allows you to realize that you woke up late and will miss the first period of school.