Psychology Vocabulary

  1. 2. analysis / a technique to interpret the content of patient’s dream
  2. 6. therapy / therapist creates an accepting, emphatic environment to facilitate the client’s growth
  3. 7. behavior therapy / that's challenges people to change false assumptions that lead to incorrect thinking
  4. 13. content / the apparent and remembered content of a dream
  5. 15. / a blocking from consciousness of issues that might cause anxiety
  6. 16. therapy / a treat method has a natural tendency to strive for self-actualization
  7. 18. drug / medication used to treat major depression
  8. 19. association / the uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind
  9. 21. lobotomy / the frontal lobe of the brain is severed or destroyed
  10. 23. group / a group that aims to foster self-awareness by focusing on how group members relate to one another
  11. 24. listening / clarifies the speaker's thoughts and concern
  1. 1. / environment in which people desired behaviors with tokens to exchanged reward
  2. 3. therapy / the client rather than the therapist is encouraged to take the lead
  3. 4. conditioning / link an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior in an attempt to eliminate behavior
  4. 5. / shock treatment
  5. 8. / patients transfers of emotions
  6. 9. approximations / in operant conditioning a series of behavior that gradually become more similar to a desired behavior
  7. 10. content / the hidden meaning of a dream
  8. 11. / Techniques to influence a person's thoughts feelings or behaviors
  9. 12. drug / medication that relieves anxiety disorders
  10. 14. / treatments for structures of the brain are removed or destroyed to change behavior
  11. 17. drug / called a major tranquilizer
  12. 20. group / which a members share a common problem such as alcoholism
  13. 22. / A chemical used to treat the mood swings of bipolar disorder