
  1. 3. science : discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals
  2. 6. : a psychologist who studies the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiences
  3. 8. : based on observation or experiment
  4. 10. science : the pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake.
  5. 11. process: involves conscious intellectual activity ,such as thinking, reasoning, or remembering.
  6. 12. : as set of assumptions used to explain phenomena and offered for scientific study.
  7. 13. Behav : Something not openly acknowledged or displayed.
  1. 1. Method : method used to ensure proper data collection.
  2. 2. : an assumption of prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research.
  3. 3. : The study of humans
  4. 4. : to get or obtain
  5. 5. : is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
  6. 7. : the act or result of being aware of the inner nature of things
  7. 9. : is a result of physiological and cognitive processes.
  8. 14. Behav : Something which is clearly apparent.