  1. 2. Innate Language Acquisition Device
  2. 4. Misinformation Effect
  3. 5. Conditioned Taste Aversion
  4. 8. Bobo Doll
  5. 15. Binet-Simon Scale
  6. 16. Psychosocial Development
  7. 17. Developmental Psychology
  8. 18. Theory Of Cognitive Dissonance
  9. 19. Stages Of Moral Development
  10. 21. Social Conformity
  11. 22. Learned Helplessness
  12. 23. Rosenhan Experiment
  13. 26. Father Of Psychoanalysis
  1. 1. Hypnosis
  2. 3. Hierarchy Of Needs
  3. 6. Little Albert
  4. 7. Humanistic Approach
  5. 9. Attachment Theory
  6. 10. Triarchic Theory Of Intelligence
  7. 11. Learning Curve
  8. 12. Analytical Psychology
  9. 13. Cognitive Therapy
  10. 14. Theory Of Cognitive Development
  11. 17. Cognitive Biases
  12. 20. Multiple Intelligences
  13. 24. Facial Expression
  14. 25. Feminine Psychology
  15. 27. Rational-Emotive Therapy