Publishers & Social Media in 2017

  1. 5. subscription________funnel
  2. 6. 2nd largest traffic referrer to publisher websites
  3. 9. A presence on all social media channels
  4. 13. #1 reason publishers will promote stories on social media
  5. 15. Percent of people who use social media to locate news
  6. 16. Report sponsor
  1. 1. Report author
  2. 2. 2nd reason publishers will use social media in 2017
  3. 3. Most popular way for readers to find and consume news
  4. 4. 3rd reason publishers will use social media
  5. 7. Percent of publishers who will use the #1 social channel to grow in 2017
  6. 8. Largest traffic referrer to publisher websites
  7. 10. Publishers can deliver interactive stories using
  8. 11. Social channel with the greatest opportunity for growth in 2017
  9. 12. User-generated Content
  10. 14. 2nd largest opportunity for growth in 2017