Punic Wars

  1. 4. located in Northern Africa
  2. 5. the river that separated Rome and Carthage and could not be crossed by either region
  3. 8. "Jewel of the Mediterranean"
  4. 11. the Carthegian leader of the First Punic War
  5. 12. Carthage needed this from Rome to fight; cause of the Third Punic War
  6. 14. the boat the Carthegian's used to attack at sea
  7. 16. the dangerous mountains Hannibal crossed
  8. 17. the silver mines
  1. 1. located in Italy; the region going against Carthage who won all three Wars
  2. 2. where the Carthegians kept their boats
  3. 3. located in Spain; a very independent region
  4. 6. general of the Roman military
  5. 7. the animal that went across the Alps with Hannibal
  6. 9. used to kill Carthegian crops after the Third Punic War
  7. 10. what Carthage had that Rome didn't and gave Carthage a lot of wealth
  8. 11. the Carthegian leader of the second and third Punic Wars
  9. 13. Rome had this when they saw Carthage rebuilding after the Second Punic War
  10. 15. the cause of the second Punic War