Punic Wars
- 2. It was difficult for Hannibal and his elephants to cross the snowy ____.
- 5. A sharp hook used to sink ships.
- 9. A Spaniard allie to Rome.
- 10. Modern-Day Numidia.
- 11. The river said to have had trumpeting elephants on rafts.
- 13. In 149 BCE, Carthage was unhappy and did this to Rome.
- 1. Named "Africanus"
- 3. First city Rome conquered outside of the Italian peninsula.
- 4. Rome sold all of the living Carthaginians into _______
- 6. A town founded by Romulus
- 7. Father of Hannibal.
- 8. A prosperous Phoenician city in the Mediterranean. Rivals with Rome.
- 12. Wars were a source of ______