Puzzle 11

  1. 6. Which department store released a Christmas TV advertisement in 2015 featuring a young girl looking at the moon through a telescope?
  2. 8. Which president was the first to decorate the White House Christmas tree?
  3. 10. Which continent does Christmas dinner favourite, the turkey, originate from?
  4. 11. Which country is the largest exporter of Christmas trees?
  5. 12. What is the name of Scrooge’s dead business partner?
  6. 13. What type of bird whose name begins with the letter ‘R’, do you often see on Christmas cards?
  7. 14. One of the most popular Christmas toys of 1971, who or what, ‘wobble but don’t fall down’?
  8. 16. What country has the tradition of filling children’s clogs with candy and treats on December 5th?
  9. 18. What are Christmas trees also called?
  10. 19. What Christmas item takes its name from the old French word ‘estincelle’ meaning spark?
  1. 1. If you were born on Christmas Day, what’s your star sign?
  2. 2. How many Scrabble points for the word ‘Christmas’?
  3. 3. Under which type of plant are people supposed to kiss at Christmas time?
  4. 4. Name the famous Christmas ballet?
  5. 5. How many candles should go on an advent wreath?
  6. 7. In the year 1933 the first Christmas tree lit up in the ------- Center?
  7. 9. Which country has a tradition of a witch dropping gifts for children through the chimney at Christmas?
  8. 13. Which US president banned Christmas trees from the White House?
  9. 15. Which ocean is Christmas Island situated in?
  10. 17. In which country is KFC a popular Christmas meal?