Puzzle 17

  1. 4. In projectors which lenses are used?
  2. 5. Magnetic effect of current gives rise to which force?
  3. 6. Due to which phenomena light rays emerging from a cinema machine spread wide on the screen?
  4. 7. Which metal is used by the jewellers to make gold and platinum ornaments heavier?
  5. 9. What type of a mirror is used in anti-shop-lifting-devices?
  6. 11. Ionic compounds are soluble in:
  7. 12. discovered the magnetic field of current?
  8. 13. Numismatics is the study of:
  9. 15. ----- is the first calculating device?
  10. 17. ------ Wegener given the theory of Plate tectonics?
  11. 18. Khorana Artificial ‘gene’ was created by:
  12. 19. Name the scientist who had discovered that earth revolves round the sun?
  1. 1. Name the instrument that is used to measure Relative Humidity?
  2. 2. The gas emancipating through paddy field is :
  3. 3. Oncology is the study of:
  4. 8. Edmund Becquerel gave the concept of ------ effect
  5. 10. The Chemical evolution of life was proposed by:
  6. 13. The energy of food is measured in:
  7. 14. Which gases are released from the ground, minutes or hours before an earthquake is about to strike?
  8. 16. Ornithology is the study of