Puzzle 2(B) - Health

  1. 1. long-lasting (disease)
  2. 3. the condition of being unable to sleep
  3. 6. a mental illness in which a person repeatedly eats too much and then forces himself/herself to vomit
  4. 8. a mental illness in which a person does not eat
  5. 11. healthy (meal)
  6. 13. joints become painful or swollen
  7. 14. bad health caused by having too little food
  1. 2. the state of being constipated
  2. 4. illness – being fat
  3. 5. like drinking alcohol
  4. 7. substances used to prevent food from decaying
  5. 9. healthy (meal)
  6. 10. remove harmful substances or poisons
  7. 12. disease – too much sugar in blood