  1. 3. it is a plant hormone..responsible for stomatal closing.
  2. 4. it is a movement towards the stimulus helpful for the plant's growth.
  3. 7. it is a plant hormone...responsible for fruit-ripening.
  4. 9. it is a plant... seedlings of which were used by a scientist to extract auxins.
  5. 10. it is a hormone..Lack of which causes Diabetes incipidus (urine leakage).
  6. 11. it is a plant hormone..responsible for stem elongation.
  1. 1. it is a movement away from the stimulus shown by the plant for purpose of self protection.
  2. 2. it is a plant..example for the movement to protect the plant from grazing animals.
  3. 5. it is a plant hormone... responsible for delaying the ageing in leaves.
  4. 6. a scientist who separated auxins for the first time.
  5. 8. it is a hormone..Lack of which causes Diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes).