Puzzle Pop

  1. 2. Who stole christmas
  2. 4. What's not food but flies
  3. 7. What begins with an “e” but only contains one letter
  4. 11. What has legs but doesn’t walk
  5. 13. What invention lets you look right through a wall
  6. 14. What travels around the world without moving from a corner
  7. 16. Whose name is five letters and green
  8. 17. What can you feel but not touch or see
  9. 18. Whats square with red and blue
  10. 19. What has a head and a tail but no body
  11. 22. What gets wet while you dry
  12. 23. What goes up but never goes down
  13. 24. What kind of band never plays music
  14. 25. What has to be broken before you can use it
  1. 1. What starts with F and ends with S
  2. 3. Dumpty Who fell off a wall
  3. 5. What can’t talk but will reply when spoken too
  4. 6. What can fill up a room but takes no space
  5. 8. Whats an edible triangle
  6. 9. What has words but never speaks
  7. 10. What kind of room has no doors or windows
  8. 12. What building has the most stories
  9. 14. What's something big, bright and light
  10. 15. What has keys but doesn't sing
  11. 20. His best friends a star
  12. 21. What has ten letters and starts up with gas
  13. 26. What's chewy but not food