Puzzling Terms

  1. 2. another way cells communicate
  2. 5. allows movement of the body parts
  3. 8. is the maintenance of a constant internal environment when outside conditions change
  4. 9. is the protective covering of the body. it acts as a barrier that protects the body from infection
  5. 11. makes chemical messages
  6. 12. returns leaked fluid back to the blood
  7. 13. is a disease that affects cell function
  8. 14. collects information and responds to it by sending electrical messages
  1. 1. it supports and protects important organs and it also make blood cells
  2. 2. moves blood through the body
  3. 3. breaks down food and uses it for nutrients of the body
  4. 4. gathers oxygen from the environment and gets rid of carbon dioxide from the body
  5. 6. one of the two ways cells communicate
  6. 7. is a lung disease caused by bacteria
  7. 10. gets rid of the body's wastes