Q4 Safety Campaign

  1. 1. The __________ Safety and Health Regulation 1997
  2. 3. The hazardous classification of Hydrochloric Acid are corrosive and _____ .
  3. 4. The guideline which specify the incompatible schedule waste.
  4. 6. HPLC is an a abbreviation for High ______ Liquid Chromatography
  5. 7. safety tool used when chemical spill into vision part.
  6. 10. The six main types are water, foam, CO2, powder, water mist and wet chemical.
  7. 11. Keeping all areas of the lab free of clutter, trash, extraneous equipment, and unused chemical.
  8. 12. Synonym of polluted
  1. 2. C₂H₃N or methyl cyanide
  2. 5. A type of footwear that is designed to protect your feet from potential hazards
  3. 8. A element with concave meniscus that may cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure
  4. 9. Have clear sliding window, called the sash which shields analysts from chemical spills and splashes.