
  1. 1. a whole number that can be positive, negative or zero
  2. 5. The Greek Genius ____________ was the first to compute digits in the decimal expansion of π
  3. 6. All Rational and Irrational Numbers Make Up ____________
  4. 8. There are ________________ rational number between any two given rational numbers
  5. 11. any two consecutive numbers will always be _______________
  6. 12. a decimal fraction in which a figure or group of figures is repeated indefinitely is called ______________
  1. 2. Numbers, symbols and operators are called ________
  2. 3. any real number that cannot be expressed as the exact ratio of two integers is knon as ______________
  3. 4. π is the ratio of _______________
  4. 7. a number that is divisible by 2
  5. 9. the number of the form P/q
  6. 10. Zahlen means