Quarter 2 Crossword GT

  1. 3. A person who won't stop asking out a potential partner - no matter how often they are rejected - is quite _____
  2. 5. irate individuals are sometimes said to be 'seeing ____', a reference to bullfighting
  3. 6. CONDESCENDING people are said to be looking down this body part at other people
  4. 8. Martin Luther King Jr. was FERVENT about this right, which combats discrimination
  5. 11. if you spend every penny that you earn right after you get it, you are this word
  6. 12. most teenagers are EVASIVE about this required academic activity
  1. 1. a force of nature that is difficult to track, a ____ can be described as CAPRICIOUS
  2. 2. An INDIGNANT three-year-old will often claim that 'It's not ___!'
  3. 4. a way to describe getting hit by a pillow, but not by a baseball bat
  4. 5. a VINDICTIVE person is after ____
  5. 7. Unlike most of the teachers at Dulaney, Mr. Quinton-Schein, an IDIOSYNCRATIC guy, often wears this leg covering
  6. 9. antonym to last quarter's vocabulary word adept
  7. 10. a word to describe a world leader who might threaten to use a nuclear bomb