Queen Elizabeth I

  1. 1. Brief romantic or sexual relationships.
  2. 3. Acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment.
  3. 5. Not giving way to pressure; hard or solid.
  4. 7. The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.
  5. 9. A person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization.
  6. 11. The state of being born to parents not lawfully married, leading to lack of the inheritance rights of a legitimate child.
  7. 12. Beauty.
  8. 13. The place of origin or earliest known history of something.
  9. 14. A person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.
  10. 15. The action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower.
  1. 2. A supreme ruler, especially a monarch.
  2. 4. A strong dislike or disinclination.
  3. 6. The quality of having a ready insight into things; sharpness of vision or intellect.
  4. 8. Representing a number of different Christian churches; promoting or relating to unity among the world's Christian churches.
  5. 10. Schemes or plots, often crafted with malicious intent.