Quinton Johnson Judges

  1. 3. Again, Israelites did evil in the eyes of the lord. Because of this, whose hands did he give the Isrealites into this time?
  2. 6. Who was the next Judge of Israel after the Philistines and Ammonites?
  3. 8. How many years did the Philistines and Ammonites oppress Israelites on the east of the Jordan?
  4. 10. When Samson had gone down to Ashkelon how many men did he kill?
  5. 15. And again, the Israelites began to do evil in the sight of the lord. So whose hands did the lord deliver them into?
  6. 17. Who led Israel after Tola?
  7. 18. What tribe was Elon from?
  8. 19. How many years did Ibzan lead Israel?
  9. 20. How many years did Elon lead?
  1. 1. Who did Samson fall in love with?
  2. 2. How many years were the Israelites in the hand of Philistines for?
  3. 4. How many years did Jephthah lead Israel?
  4. 5. How many years did Jair of Gilead lead Israel?
  5. 7. What tribe was Ibzan from?
  6. 9. What came upon Samson when he killed those men?
  7. 11. Who led Israel after Jephthah?
  8. 12. What tribe was Jair from?
  9. 13. What tribe was Jephthah from?
  10. 14. How many men did Samson kill with the Jawbone of a donkey?
  11. 16. Who led Israel after Ibzan?