  1. 1. RAC member who collects vinyl, has 70s vintage style, and embodies ‘lemon bar’
  2. 3. historical maritime disaster movie that won Best Picture in 1998
  3. 5. RAC member who is deathly afraid of bugs, apparently, and can pull off the look of an all-white suit with gloves
  4. 6. the gymnastics move that Canon used to successfully distract the class after coming back from the bathroom
  5. 8. viewing this popular global sporting tournament started it all for our 7th-period meeting
  6. 11. RAC member who can perform a spot-on impersonation of Mr. Elam’s walk
  7. 13. Josh's addictive mints of choice
  8. 14. a second 3rd period interloper who wanted to take Cambrie to prom
  9. 15. How 6th period US History would always get off track but in a fun way.
  10. 17. 3rd period interloper who constantly has to be shoo’ed out of class.
  11. 18. the inscription on the pink mug that RAC gave to Mr. Elam for his birthday.
  1. 2. a one-day floor competition born from the early days of RAC
  2. 4. RAC member who is well-read, quiet, and a fierce defender on the soccer field.
  3. 6. RAC member who is our regular vocalist and was forced to sit next to Dr. Brewer while he loudly sang off-key
  4. 7. tallest RAC member who regularly prioritized tennis over crossword club
  5. 9. RAC member who beat her addiction to Subway Surfer and upholds strong standards of ‘no looking up words’ while doing a crossword.
  6. 10. RAC member who is obsessed with Retro Bowl and seeks to ‘third-wheel’ the Wallaces for dinner.
  7. 12. A phrase that Mr. Elam will be thinking about after graduation
  8. 16. a college that Mr. Elam didn’t want some of you to attend but you are anyway
  9. 19. occasionally what Mr. Elam has to do after a classroom spill