Rachel's crossword from the gods
- 3. Knocks me off Death Mountain
- 6. A-DOWN-UP-X2
- 8. Hero of the american people
- 10. YEETED from Temple
- 12. Angry old fish man
- 14. Best item in Twilight Princess
- 15. Peepee's 'fave' character
- 16. Furry
- 19. Annoying collectible
- 1. Link's boyfriend
- 2. Twilight Princess cat owner
- 4. Stand in Richard's Villa
- 5. Zelda's possessor
- 7. Don't Steal Them!!!
- 9. Moon agriculture
- 11. Time's farm-wife
- 13. He'll buy ANYTHING
- 17. Amount of hearts needed for Master Sword
- 18. Best Skyward Sword race