  1. 1. occasional radar woe (especially in winter)
  2. 2. the power past isotropic radiation
  3. 5. factor of two
  4. 6. distance to target
  5. 7. enhancement added to patriot missile
  6. 11. what the radar range equation calculates
  7. 15. the true wavelength of radar
  1. 1. follows a projectile trajectory
  2. 3. high precision, constant speed
  3. 4. unknown target location, large angular region
  4. 8. location of target known
  5. 9. responsible for transmitting/recieving
  6. 10. PATRIOT counts as this
  7. 12. the part that goes boom
  8. 13. how the target is represented
  9. 14. like drones?