
  1. 2. Beta particles can travel through paper but can be stopped by a few cm of ____
  2. 4. Fill in the missing word Naturally ______ Radioactive Material
  3. 8. Symptom of radiation poisoning
  4. 10. Government’s counter terrorism strategy
  5. 11. A unit of radiation
  6. 15. 3 purposes of the radiation detection equipment: Detect, Locate and _____
  7. 16. Who discovered radioactivity? Henri _________
  8. 18. Equipment worn when portals are staffed
  9. 19. Natural element found in bananas
  10. 20. Most dangerous radiation source when ingested
  1. 1. Doubling this will halve your dose
  2. 3. One of the elements Marie Curie discovered
  3. 5. The biggest nuclear accident in history
  4. 6. Most common form of background radiation emitted from the ground
  5. 7. Radiation can ionise living tissue which can lead to this disease
  6. 9. Radiation emitted from the sun
  7. 12. Material that blocks gamma rays
  8. 13. What is a Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD) more commonly known as?
  9. 14. How many nuclear weapons have been used in warfare?
  10. 17. Name given to a source not under regulatory control