Radiation Revision

  1. 3. type of radiation the same as a fast moving electron
  2. 7. charge of a neutron
  3. 9. most ionising type of radiation the same as a helium nucleus
  4. 11. when radioactive materials are in physical contact with an object or organism
  5. 12. charge of a proton
  1. 1. is the process of exposing an object or organism to nuclear radiation
  2. 2. an alpha particle consists of two protons and two _____
  3. 4. when an unstable atom releases radiation
  4. 5. charge of an electron
  5. 6. most penetrating type of radiation which is part of the EM spectrum
  6. 8. the time taken for a radioactive substance to decay to half its original value
  7. 10. an element is determined by the number of _____ it has