Radiation Safety Training - Users 2015

  1. 1. By considering all relevant and available information concerning the patients clinical history, prior imaging and radiographic techniques variables specific to patient needs, based on available exposure guides and the desire to achieve best image quality for least X-Ray dose will allow Radiographers to avoid __________ where possible.
  2. 7. Safe work practices are based around the principle of Risk versus __________.
  3. 10. CT Examinations should have the appropriate dose __________________ where possible.
  4. 11. Staff working in close proximity to the X-Ray Beam must wear well fitting lead gowns (wrap around) and properly adjusted lead __________ shields.
  5. 14. Persons intimately involved in procedures where X-ray equipment is used are to be provided with suitable personal ___________ devices.
  6. 17. PPE must be stored ______________ to prevent formation of shielding cracks.
  7. 19. ALARA stands for As Low As _________ Achievable.
  8. 21. The statement “ No practice involving exposures to radiation should be adopted unless it produces sufficient benefit to the exposed individuals or to society to offset the radiation detriment it causes” is referring to ____________of Procedures.
  9. 25. According to the Radiation Safety Regulation, “requests” for diagnostic CT scans can only be made by a Radiologist or _________________ Registrar.
  10. 26. A Radiation Incident or Dangerous event written report must follow the Radiation Incident notification within ______ days.
  11. 28. The Radiation ________________ Act 1999 requires that Redland Hospital has a Possession License and Radiation Safety and Protection Plan?
  1. 2. All female patients of reproductive age should be questioned concerning the possibility of being ___________.
  2. 3. Within what time frame should there be a report produced by the RSO to the Possession License Nominee.
  3. 4. All doors that complete radiation shielding are kept ______________ closed during x-ray procedures.
  4. 5. This worker can only have an annual dose limit of 20mSv.
  5. 6. All X-Ray Equipment used at each premise must have a certificate of ____________ from an accredited person, before initial use and at regulated intervals thereafter.
  6. 8. The company who provide our Radiation monitoring service provider: _________________ Australasia.
  7. 9. All persons who are directly involved in an x-ray examination where they are near the patient when performing or assisting diagnostic procedures must wear personal ______________ equipment.
  8. 12. Fluoroscopy procedures which require large radiation dose for a long period of time increase the risk of __________damage.
  9. 13. What does this facility have which allows it to house and operate x-ray equipment. ___________ License.
  10. 15. All CT Radiographers at Redland must complete the departments CT Training Program. Only after deemed competent by the CT Senior may they operate the CT scanner __________________.
  11. 16. In general x-ray optimal patient positioning and applying beam __________ to minimize the x-ray field size for the body part will assist to further reduce patient doses and enhance diagnostic quality.
  12. 18. Only persons authorised by the possession licence nominee and who have a current use _____________ to use Radiation Apparatus may operate diagnostic X-ray equipment.
  13. 20. How often should users receive Radiation Safety Training?
  14. 22. The necessity for the use of contrast agents should be assessed by the CT Radiographer and ___________________ by the Radiologist.
  15. 23. Radiologists, Radiology Staff, other system users and the RSO shall work collaboratively to _____________ imaging technique and radiation dose.
  16. 24. All CT examinations should follow Redland Hospital set CT _____________ unless changed by the Radiologist.
  17. 27. Digital and computed radiography introduced a new concept of exposure ____________.